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Nuestros eventos de golf para recaudar fondos brindan a los veteranos heridos en combate el sentimiento de camaradería y hermandad que compartieron con sus compañeros soldados en el ejército, al mismo tiempo que les dan esperanza y los ayudan a sanar. Únase a nosotros para crear conciencia y permitirnos continuar con nuestra misión.

Por favor, visítenos de nuevo pronto para obtener información sobre nuestros eventos de 2024 que se programarán.
“Fellow Fairways for Warriors supporters, we regret to inform you that we will be rescheduling the Veterans Day Golf Tournament to March 31, 2025, due to the destruction of Hurricane Helene and the ongoing need for volunteering, cleanup and rebuilding. If you have already registered, your spot has already been reserved and there are no other actions needed. For new players and sponsors, all levels of registration are still in place and functioning for the new date at Blackthorn Club. Please join us with your prayers and best wishes for all those affected and thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please see the contact information on the flyer and reach out to Grady Hyatt.”
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